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Orthotic / Splintering / Adaptive Equipment

The use of the proper orthotics or adaptive equipment can change a person's life for the better!

When a person suffers an injury or illness that leaves them with a deficit somewhere in their physical capabilities, it is not the time to give up hope. Modern medicine and technology gives patients a number of options that can restore a greater level of functionality than they might otherwise imagine possible. Universal Home Care clinicians have experience in training patients who are learning to use orthotics or other adaptive equipment.

This type of equipment can range from something as simple as shoe lifts (orthotics) or as complicated as high tech wheel chairs and walking aids. Using this equipment, and learning how to use it, is only one of the challenges that the Universal Home Care clinicians will help the patient overcome.

Adaptive equipment is all about allowing a person to do more for themselves. The nature of the tasks that adaptive equipment can open up to an individual depends on their disability and their desires. For some, this type of equipment will make it possible to live more independently and to complete more tasks for themselves. For others, it can mean the ability to return to work. Some will even go further and learn to use specialized adaptive equipment for athletics. Whatever the reason and the cause, training and practice are the key to integrating adaptive equipment into a patient's life.