Palliative & Hospice Care

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Cognitive Linguistic Training

Does your speech therapy recommendation include cognitive linguistic exercises?

Cognitive linguistic therapy is often required after a patient has suffered some sort of a brain injury that has affect their powers of speech. Rebuilding the ability to speak in a patient can be a frustrating process, whether they have to start from scratch or simply try to improve certain small problems that have arisen after an injury. That is why the patience of a trained professional can be a welcome addition to the home rehabilitation process.

Cognitive-linguistic training does not only include work with a patient for the sake of simply improving their speech capabilities. It may also be about helping the patient to find ways to re-integrate into society. Focus may be put on things such as how to function and communicate in a work environment once a patient reaches that point in their recovery.

Cognitive-linguistic training can take many different approaches depending on the nature of the problem that the patient is struggling with. They may have to work from the beginning to improve reading and speech skills simultaneously. In other patients where the ability to read is unfettered, the goal will be to translate the written word into audible speech once again.

Work during therapy may include exercises to improve both phonemic and phonetic challenges. Phonetic challenges are those where a patient has a problem physically producing a certain sound. A phonemic disorder is when a patient can't tell the difference between certain sounds. Often, these two problems will present together and the cognitive linguistic therapy will be designed to improve the ability of the patient to hear the differences between verbal sounds and to produce them accurately.