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Community Resource Planning

A patient should always know of community resources that are available to help them learn to live with or recover from their illness or injury.

Community resources are a critical part of recovery and Universal Home Care can make sure that the resources are in place for a patient once they make the transition from a hospital or care facility to living in their home.

Community resources can include local treatment centers, counseling or ongoing therapy, support groups, activity centers and others. Many communities have ample resources to help and assist people living with various diseases or disabilities; however, education is often lacking and people can have difficulty finding these resources on their own.

Social support is a huge part of the reason that community is such an important part of recovery. People can feel isolated, alone and scared when engaging in any recovery process. However, with the support of those around them and the efforts of community organizations to restore a sense of normalcy to a patient's life, they can feel more positive about their own recovery.

Universal Home Care will help patients find these resources and how they can make use of them. The goal of home care treatment is the greatest recovery possible.

The way that a patient feels about themselves and about their illness is an important part of recovery. If a patient can use community resources to feel more positive about their situation, they are likely to feel better. This, in turn, can lead them to work harder on therapies and recovery efforts that may be the key toward sustainable long term health.