Palliative & Hospice Care

Emotional and spiritual support for patient & family.

Teach & Train Patient Caregiver in Dietary Modifications

It’s no secret that diet and nutrition are key factors to living a healthy and productive life. Often, (such as with diabetes, cancer, heart disease and many other medical issues) proper nutrition is an essential component of you or your loved one’s care.

Fortunately, good nutrition can help prevent disease, improve immunity and reduce the need for certain medications.  Whether it be a “one-time consultation” or ongoing counseling for complex situations, Universal Home Care will assign patient and family caregiver a specialist to customize a diet plan unique to your situation as well as, provide education and support to meet all of your nutritional needs.

Benefits of this train and teach program also include:

  • Diabetes education, including gestational diabetes
  • Lipid management education
  • Pediatric nutrition services
  • Enteral and parenteral nutrition education
  • Weight management for adults and children
  • Disease-specific diets (such as for kidney disease, gastrointestinal problems, polycystic ovarian syndrome, celiac disease, cancer, etc.)
  • Food allergy counseling
  • Eating disorder therapy