Medication is one of the cornerstones of therapy and is used in the treatment of a huge variety of diseases and conditions. However, medication carries with it a constant risk of side effects and interactions with other medications.
The reason medication responses can be so difficult to predict is because every person's body reacts differently to every medication that is out there. This is why Universal Home Care observation is so important. Our clinicians can test, monitor or observe as required by the physician to ensure that a patient is responding well to their medications. These tests and observations serve two purposes. They exist to see if the treatment is working and if it is, to ensure that it continues working.
Another clinical issue is to detect if there are adverse reactions that occur as a result of changing medications. This is an ongoing process. Medications can interact with each other, but symptoms may not appear until the drug has had a chance to build up in a patient's system. Alternatively, a patient may tolerate a drug for some time, but then something may change that causes them to have an adverse reaction.
Monitoring medications that have been prescribed or changed is a critical part of the treatment process. It becomes even more important to be vigilant with monitoring when the patient is old or weakened by illness, as this can make the body more susceptible to drug side effects and reactions.